The Center for Digital Education is hosting a Market Briefing event in Seattle, WA and we hope you can join us. IT leaders from some of the largest districts in the state of Washington will be on hand for a special briefing on their technology plans for the coming years.

This event will allow participants to:



  • Hear directly from CIOs and technology leaders from area school districts
  • nt

  • Network with fellow industry leaders in the region
  • nt

  • Learn about the hot issues in the education IT market
  • n




  1. Hear directly from CIOs and technology leaders from area school districts
  2. nt

  3. Network with fellow industry leaders in the region
  4. nt

  5. Learn about the hot issues in the education IT market
  6. n


Auburn supports providing quality training for its teachers and staff surrounding the use of available technology within the district.

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